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It’s furnace maintenance season! If you’re unsure as to what that is, or why we call fall maintenance season, then we’ll explain it to you. Your furnace requires maintenance every year, and fall is the time of year when we pull them out of hibernation and dust them off to start working again. Fall is the most convenient time to get maintenance performed on your system, and we’re here to remind homeowners of that.

Not only will maintenance be your fastest and most reliable route to avoiding” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>furnace repair in Wayne, NJ, but it will also improve efficiency levels and keep your home more comfortable. While a professional performs this necessary service, there are even more things you can do to help prepare for the cold months ahead.

Let’s get your home ready for fall, winter, and spring with professional maintenance and our handy homeowner checklist.

Taking Your Furnace Out of Hibernation

Firstly, it’s important that you do a few best practices when taking your furnace out of hibernation. We know that this blog is about professional maintenance, but we’d like to be honest and tell you that there are a few things you might still want to do yourself. Down below, we’ve listed a checklist you can follow when maintenance season returns, so you can get your furnace up to speed.

  • Replace the air filter. First and foremost, you’re going to need to replace the air filter in your heater’s return air duct. This component is not designed to help improve your indoor air quality (although it does this by default), it’s meant to protect the sensitive components of your furnace’s interior. Changing it out will start it off on a good foot this season.
  • Clean around your system. Keep around two feet of cleaned, dusted space around your furnace system. This should ensure that it has pCarbonety of airflow and doesn’t start overheating.
  • Insulate your home. The more you insulate your windows and doors, the less hot air you’ll be leaking out when winter weather does arrive. This is the perfect time to start protecting your home from the cold.
  • Get your furnace repaired. If you know your furnace has an issue that needs to be fixed, get it repaired before it’s too late!

Investing in Professional Maintenance

Professional maintenance is vital for furnace systems. There are two huge reasons we insist homeowners get their furnaces maintained in the fall.

  1. A well maintained furnace will run more efficiently and effectively, providing warm temperatures for your home at a low cost per month.
  2. Gas furnaces aren’t inherently dangerous, but they can become dangerous over time through neglect and disrepair. Maintenance ensures your furnace is running safely.

Now Is the Perfect Time for Maintenance!

Once you’ve completed our fall checklist and you’ve decided to invest in maintenance, we urge you to call our team and schedule an appointment. October is the perfect month for maintenance, and you’ll be thanking us down the road for the reminder!” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Call Carbone Plumbing Heating Coolinc Inc. to schedule a furnace maintenance appointment today.

The post”>Our Guide to Maintenance Season first appeared on”>Carbone Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc..