What Causes a Drain Clog?

What Causes a Drain Clog?

For new and old homeowners alike, sometimes a drain clog can seem confusing. You didn’t necessarily put anything solid or rough down your drain, so how could it be clogging all of a sudden? Your pipes are in good shape and the last home inspection you had specifically...
5 Tips to Avoid Wasting Water This Summer

5 Tips to Avoid Wasting Water This Summer

Water is one of the best ways to stay cool and hydrated with temperatures reaching record-highs. We’re not here to “police” how much water anyone uses, but rather help you avoid paying too much for water that you end up wasting. After all, any water that leaks or...
Consider This Before Your Next Spring Project

Consider This Before Your Next Spring Project

It’s springtime, which means all of the folks with an aptitude for gardening are getting giddy at the thought of building their 2022 gardens. This is the time of year where all of our neighbors and friends start pulling out their spades and digging equipment, and...
The Science Behind Hydro Jetting

The Science Behind Hydro Jetting

You’ve probably heard the term “hydro jetting” before, especially on this blog. We’re huge proponents of this service and we recommend it to every customer who asks. It’s absolutely perfect for clogged or dirty drains, and for customers who are nervous about previous...